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Home: Welcome

Schedule Overview


Unit I: Phonology and parts of speech Unit II: Introduction Unit III: Market and shopping Unit IV: Application
Unit V: Practice Makes Perfect
Unit VI: Summary
Unit VII: Tips and Tricks
Unit VIII: Concluding Remarks

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Home: Class Overview

Literary Capacities Survey

JANUARY 23, 2020

Take the Inter’Act literary capacity survey to assess your current English speaking and writing skills. 

Trees and Mountains

Modules and Assignments

Course modules and assignments. 

Home: Tests & Assignments

Class Syllabus

When it comes to academics, everybody is different - we all have unique methods of learning and absorbing information. That’s why I do my best to design a syllabus to accommodate every student’s needs. Contact me to learn more.

Home: Syllabus



Elbow Greeting

Remote Class

This is a summary of your online course. Include an overall description of the class, significant concepts that are taught and any other relevant information that would be helpful for a potential student. It’s also a good idea to mention any specific requirements for materials or time commitment outside of class.

Clapping Game

Online Course

This is a summary of your online course. Include an overall description of the class, significant concepts that are taught and any other relevant information that would be helpful for a potential student. It’s also a good idea to mention any specific requirements for materials or time commitment outside of class.

Home: Courses

Contact Me



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Home: Contact
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